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"Ascencia has implemented disciplined and appropriate risk management practices during its growth period, which enables management to remain vigilant, respond efficiently and be resilient in times of crisis."

Risk Management


The Risk Management Framework and process is as follows:

The two main service providers namely EnATT Ltd (the Property & Asset Manager) and Rogers & Company Ltd (the Fund Manager) are responsible for risk management on a day to day basis. Risks related to the main service provider which may impact Ascencia are reviewed and reported to the Risk Management and Audit Committee (RMAC).

Other service providers are contracted for the management of certain specific risks.

The risk management framework has been reviewed with the following objectives:

  • Ensuring increasing effectiveness in the monitoring and reporting of risks on a regular basis.
  • Staying on course and fostering stability.

The Fund Management team has been consolidated with the recruitment of additional capabilities with a view to play a more important role in ensuring effectiveness of risk management. The new framework indeed provides more clarity in these times of uncertainty.

Effectiveness of the risk management process

The risk management process was evaluated and the factors assessed were:

  1. Ability to identify and anticipate risks.
  2. Ability to respond to risks.

As risks identified are assessed, mitigating measures are taken promptly. Additional controls are put in place and where necessary, policies and procedures are amended or written and communicated to ensure clarity.

Where risks are beyond the tolerable level of our intervention and control, they are alleviated by due process and monitoring and further transferred through appropriate insurance covers.

Risk Indicators

The following improvement/deterioration in Key performance indicators demonstrate the effectiveness of mitigating measures taken during the year.

Main KPIs

Average Trading Density
2021 v/s 2020


2021 v/s 2021
Slight decrease


Vacancy Rate
2021 v/s 2021
Slight decrease


Loan to Value Ratio


During the year, business continuity procedures were updated for threats that were considered as detrimental for Ascencia should the risk occur. Significant risks are analysed and strategic response include mitigating actions and opportunities identified. The above risks and options are evaluated and presented to RMAC and Board of Directors. Example of significant risks discussed during the FY by the RMAC and Board of Directors are:

  • National lockdown due to COVID-19


    National lockdown due to COVID-19.


    Second national lockdown prevented certain tenants/shops from operating.

    Strategic Response

    Mitigating Actions

    A second tenant relief plan was elaborated by Management with a dual objective to mitigate credit risk and to relieve the Tenant from the burden of increased indebtedness and cashflow problems. Reinforcing safe shopping initiatives for safety of both tenants and shoppers.


    Improve relationship with Tenants.


  • Decreased Footfall and average trading density in Phoenix Mall


    Decreased footfall and trading density in Phoenix Mall. 


    Access to Phoenix Mall has been impacted by road decongesting works carried out by authorities and land taken by the Government.

    Strategic Response

    Mitigating Actions

    Significant investment in the new access to the mall.


    Successful negotiations for Metro station in the mall.

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